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The Catalan Ombudsman demands that the evicted be exempted from the payment of the Added Value Tax

@Jordi Soteras
Rafael Ribó proposes to do it urgently by a Royal Decree-Law that amends the Law regulating Local Tax Administration. The fact of charging the tax to those who have lost their homes worsens the situation of the evicted and recedes the principle of justice in public action. The Catalan Ombudsman has been working on the problem of housing and over-indebtedness and proposing various actions as for autumn 2011.
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Rafael Ribó presents the 2012 Annual Report to the plenary of the Parliament

The Catalan Ombudsman has appeared at the Plenary of the Parliament to expose the most prominent actions carried out by the institution during the year 2012. In his statement, Ribó stressed the need to rationalize budgetary reduction policies with the aim of preserving the foundations of the welfare state and defending the rights of the most vulnerable groups. Subsequently, the representatives of all the parliamentary groups have discussed the considerations raised by the Ombudsman.
Transcription of the presentation and discussion on the Catalan Ombudsman Annual Report

Catalan Ombudsman talks about the Access to Public Information Law in Spanish Parliament

The Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, appeared before the Constitutional Commission Parliament in Madrid to deliver a speech on the Draft Law on Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance. In his speech, he argued that the right of access to public information is a legal right that should be independently regulated; the law regulating it must set limits and exceptions to access but also regulate the instruments for its proportional application and for access to be the general rule and denial the exception, and finally he argued that it is necessary an independent authority to set the application guidelines in case of conflict and avoid unjustified refusals.
Video of the Constitutional Commission (24/4/2013)

Debate on the OPCAT 2012 Annual Report in the Catalan Parliament

The Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribo, as Catalan Authority for the Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (hereinafter, OPCAT), appeared on April 15 before the Parliamentary Commission to explain and discuss with members of Parliament the most significant actions taken by the OPCAT in 2012. Ribó insisted on installing video surveillance systems in all detention spaces and that all prison officers should wear their identification numbers in a visible place on all components of their uniforms.
Videos of the Catalan Ombudsman Commission about OPCAT Report (15/4/2013)

Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya

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