Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children, gathered in New York for the UN Special Session on Children, have made a joint statement calling upon the States "to meet their obligations and implement in full the rights of the child" and to provide the necessary means and resources to make a difference.
The Ombudsmen regret also that children are not a political priority and they condemn increasing widespread poverty, growing insecurity, an increase in fundamentalism, climate change and misuse of new technologies. This phenomena are affecting children in the last few years. In the Ombudsmen view, this threats to children rights ask for cooperation and help on a worldwide basis.
Xavier Bonal, Deputy to the Síndic for the Defence of Children Rights, attended the meeting, held in New York on 10 December 2007. He went not only as a representative of the Sindic but as President of the ENOC (European Network of Ombudsman for Children).
This is the second meeting of Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children at national level. The previous one was also held in New York in may 2002, in the framework of the UN Special Session on Children.