
Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Treaty of Rome with regard to rights


The function gathered 80 people at Barcelona

Álvaro Gil-Robles recounted his experience as Human Rights Commissioner for the Council of Europe pointing to international terrorism and immigration as the two main challenges for Europe today with regard to rights. Invited by the Catalan Ombudsman, the former Spanish Ombudsman gived a speech in Barcelona on rights' defence and human rights pacts in Europe.

The conference, placed at Barcelona's Bar Association on May 22nd, gathered over eighty people. Regarding terrorism, Gil-Robles pointed out in his speech and following dialogue that the freedom vs. security debate is often resolved at the expense of human rights. Concerning immigration, he highlighted that Europe has not been able so far of "carrying out and sorting out" the immigration phenomenon, thus rising xenophobic and racist outbreaks together with a cutback in rights, like the right of political asylum.
