Come and meet us

Come to meet us The Síndic de Greuges offers groups (primary and secondary schools, associations, organizations, etc.) the possibility to visit our headquarters, located at Pg. de Lluís Companys, 7 in Barcelona, and get to know our organization's work.

You can request a visit by calling 93 301 8075.
Ask for Sandra Garcia

Or right here, filling out this online form.

Fields with * are mandatory.

This must be filled in case the trans* person identifies with a name other than that stated on their official identification document

Law 11/2014, of 10 October, for guaranteeing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and eradicating homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

Article 23.
Transgender people and intersex people

  1. In the areas corresponding to Catalonia's public administration bodies, especially that of education and universities, conditions enabling transgender people and intersex people, even if they are minors, to be treated and named on the basis of the gender with which they identify must be established via regulations.

DNI: 99999999z, NIF: z9999999 + letter or number, NIE: x9999999z.

Annex documents:

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odt, doc, pdf, rtf, jpg, gif, tiff, jpeg, png, html
Maximum size allowed for each annex is 1Mb.