The Catalan Ombudsman (Síndic), Rafael Ribó, urges the relevant administrations to put the means in place to achieve a more balanced distribution of students in danger of social exclusion, in order to avoid school segregation.
According to the Síndic, the growing problem of the concentration of social and educational risk that is taking place in certain neighbourhoods is giving rise to the creation of so-called "ghetto schools" and is causing some families who do not obtain a place in the school of their choice to do whatever is possible to prevent their children from going to such schools.
In a press conference, Ribó presented the 2006 report which contains the complaints received and the activities carried out by the institution during 2006.
Social Services and Housing are two other issues the Síndic referred to during the presentation of the report.
He also highlighted an increase in the activities of the institution during 2006 and a 42% increase in the number of complaints received.
"There is a lack of resources but also poor administration when managing welfare benefits"
As well as the traditional lack of resources to attend to the various problems related to the elderly, people who suffer some type of disability, people who are unable to cover basic needs, etc., the Síndic also highlights too many procedural shortcomings and slowness when processing benefits and services for such groups.
Recommendations for the administration in order to tackle property mobbing
Although property mobbing is a conflict between private individuals, the Síndic considers that the administration needs to be more vigilant in preventing this phenomenon and must take measures to provide effective support to those affected.